
Monday 25 December 2017

Christmas Haul - There's A Lot Coming for the New Year

Hi everyone, thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you are having a fantastic day.

First off, I just want to say Merry Christmas to all of you. I especially want to thank all of you who are reading this on Christmas Day. It means a lot to me that you want to spend your time here on the Holiday. It means a lot to me every day, but you know what I mean.

I don't have a card or a project for you today, but I do have a haul post. I've never done one of these before, and while I would love for it to be a video - I'm still not set up for that. That is the goal for the new year, to spread out into the land of YouTube and I hope all of you wonderful readers will also become viewers. I'll keep you posted!

Santa was extremely good to me this year, and I cannot wait to do in depth review posts on everything!

This is the whole lot of it and I am excited beyond reason. The older kids are at their other houses and the littlest is watching a movie. My hubby got new noise-cancelling headphones so he's lost in video game land, so I've had an opportunity to play with my new stuff.

First up, my wonderful Mother and Father in law gave me the Birds of the Americas colouring book, super different than what I usually colour in, but I'm looking forward to it. It's an identification guide so there's Latin (yeah!) a picture of the bird then a large picture to colour in. Definitely going to be a challenge! Oh that's right.... I also colour! I guess I don't really post about that here. LOL now you know.

Next up, is the full set of the Irojiten coloured pencils by Tombow. You thought these were pretty in pictures? Holy CRAP! These pencils are stunning. I can't even tell you how hard it is not to include detailed pictures here - but you have to wait for the official review. I still have to swatch them and touch them and get to know them... but I cannot wait. I've been gorging myself on video reviews of these for a couple weeks because I knew they were under the tree, and interestingly I have found they are either a love it or a hate it - I haven't seen any in the middle and I'm dying to know where I land on these.

Next I got two, that's right TWO 160 slot pencil cases. These things have four zippers each! One for my Prismacolor Premiers and one for my Faber-Castell Polychormos. The cases were actually my hubby's idea because he hated the tin that the 132 Prismacolors came in. Then I showed him how half my Polychormos were in a tin and the other half were in elastic bands and so that's how two ended up under the tree. So far the cases are fantastic, I'll have a quickie review of them probably next week (hopefully).

And finally the Derwent Inktense Pencils. These only made the list because Amazon had a killer deal, like less than 50%, otherwise I could never get this full set. I am so excited to try out this new medium and share my thoughts with you all. From everything that I've seen there's a steep learning curve that will go with these and I'm jacked to get started.

The Derwent water brushes were a little extra stocking stuffer from me. I have water brushes, but these were also on for a smashing price, so I tossed them in the cart as well - and they're Derwent, so they had to go together, like star-crossed art supplies....

So that's what I have for today and I'm super excited to get to work on product reviews for you all, not to mention play and organize all my new stuff!

I hope you like today's post, I would love to hear what you all got for Christmas - drop me a line in the comments section below and share your haul as well! If you haven't already, please follow me on the right side bar or over on Facebook, so you don't miss any future posts.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Crafty New Year!!

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